
We help businesses carry out digital transformation, and implement solutions for the core processes of the oil and gas and chemical industries, taking into account import substitution requirements.

We develop a methodology and build effective asset management processes.

We implement high-tech solutions for corporate processes of companies with complex setups.

The IBS Group of Companies has been cooperating with the leaders of the oil and gas and chemical industries for many years. The use of modern technological solutions helps our customers increase the efficiency of their activities. The accumulated experience in creating financial management systems, HR, innovation and construction processes, MRO, CRM, ERP, EAM, and HSE allowed IBS Group to become a respected industry expert.

Today, the main focus of the IBS Group of Companies is aimed at creating industry-specific solutions for optimizing production and improving the efficiency of asset management. We implement systems and provide their methodological support. We have deep expertise in optimizing Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream processes, as well as high competence in building digital twins and predictive analytics.



Отечественное интегрированное ПО КАМА для разведки и добычи нефти и газа. Собственная разработка от СГС — дочерней компании IBS, на рынке с 2004 года. Внесено в Реестр российского ПО. Программный комплекс КАМА используют ведущие нефтедобывающие компании России и СНГ

Планета. Инсим

Симулятор технологических процессов подготовки нефти, подготовки газа, нефтепереработки и нефтехимии, основанный на методах математического моделирования физико-химических процессов и создания цифровых двойников. Собственная разработка компании IBS, внесена в Реестр российского ПО



Maksim Shvedov
Managing Partner of the Oil & Gas and Chemicals
+7 (495) 967-80-80

He is responsible for sales excellence, the development of the product portfolio, relationships with customers and partners, and the company’s strategy in the Oil & Gas and Chemicals industries.

Evgenia Katargina
Head of Sales in Oil & Chemicals
+7 (925) 388-63-56

She ensures the establishment, maintenance, and development of relations with customers, along with the quality control of project execution and the generation of ideas for new products of the company. She provides business development in Oil & Chemicals.

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